Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS)
- 骨 - bone; skeleton; frame, framework
- 髓 - substance, essence; bone marrow
- 增 - to increase; to expand; to augment; to add
- 生 - life, lifetime; birth; growth
- 异 - different, strange, unusual; foreign; surprising
- 常 - common, general, normal; always, frequently, regularly
- 综 - to sum up; to arrange threads for weaving
- 合 - to combine, to join, to unite; to gather
- 征 - to summon, to recruit; levy, tax; journey; invasion
Traditional characters:
- 骨 - bone; skeleton; frame, framework
- 髓 - substance, essence; bone marrow
- 增 - to increase; to expand; to augment; to add
- 生 - life, lifetime; birth; growth
- 異 - different, strange, unusual; foreign; surprising
- 常 - common, general, normal; always, frequently, regularly
- 綜 - to sum up; to arrange threads for weaving
- 合 - to combine, to join, to unite; to gather
- 徵 - to summon, to recruit; levy, tax; journey; invasion