Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- lechery springs from warmth and nourishment, kleptomania springs from hunger and cold (idiom)
- 饱 - satisfied; to eat one's fill
- 暖 - warm, genial
- 思 - to think, to ponder, to consider; final particle
- 淫 - obscene, licentious, lewd, kinky
- 欲 - desire, want, longing, intent
- 饥 - hungry, starving; hunger, famine
- 寒 - chilly, cold; poor; to shiver, to tremble
- 起 - to begin, to initiate; to rise, to stand up
- 盗 - to rob, to steal; thief, bandit
- 心 - heart; mind; soul
Traditional characters:
- 飽 - satisfied; to eat one's fill
- 暖 - warm, genial
- 思 - to think, to ponder, to consider; final particle
- 淫 - obscene, licentious, lewd, kinky
- 欲 - desire, want, longing, intent
- 飢 - hungry, starving; hunger, famine
- 寒 - chilly, cold; poor; to shiver, to tremble
- 起 - to begin, to initiate; to rise, to stand up
- 盜 - to rob, to steal; thief, bandit
- 心 - heart; mind; soul