Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- to get whatever one wants
- to have everything going one's way
- 要 - essential, necessary; to ask for; to coerce; to demand
- 风 - wind; air; customs, manners; news
- 得 - to obtain, to get, to acquire; suitable, proper; ready
- 风 - wind; air; customs, manners; news
- 要 - essential, necessary; to ask for; to coerce; to demand
- 雨 - rain
- 得 - to obtain, to get, to acquire; suitable, proper; ready
- 雨 - rain
Traditional characters:
- 要 - essential, necessary; to ask for; to coerce; to demand
- 風 - wind; air; customs, manners; news
- 得 - to obtain, to get, to acquire; suitable, proper; ready
- 風 - wind; air; customs, manners; news
- 要 - essential, necessary; to ask for; to coerce; to demand
- 雨 - rain
- 得 - to obtain, to get, to acquire; suitable, proper; ready
- 雨 - rain