Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
Yēsū Jīdū Mòshì Shèngtú Jiàohuì
- The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
- 耶 - used in transliterations
- 稣 - to revive; to rise again
- 基 - foundation, base
- 督 - to supervise, to oversee, to direct
- 末 - end, final, last; insignificant
- 世 - generation, era, age; world
- 圣 - holy, sacred; sage, saint
- 徒 - disciple, follower; only, merely; in vain
- 教 - school, education
- 会 - to assemble, to meet; meeting; association, group
Traditional characters:
- 耶 - used in transliterations
- 穌 - to revive; to rise again
- 基 - foundation, base
- 督 - to supervise, to oversee, to direct
- 末 - end, final, last; insignificant
- 世 - generation, era, age; world
- 聖 - holy, sacred; sage, saint
- 徒 - disciple, follower; only, merely; in vain
- 教 - school, education
- 會 - to assemble, to meet; meeting; association, group