Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be defeated (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War" 孫子兵法/孙子兵法 ( Sūnzǐ Bīngfǎ))
- 知 - to know, to perceive, to comprehend
- 己 - self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem
- 知 - to know, to perceive, to comprehend
- 彼 - that, those, the other
- 百 - one hundred; numerous, many
- 战 - war, fighting, battle
- 不 - no, not, un-; negative prefix
- 殆 - almost, probably; danger, peril; to endanger
Traditional characters:
- 知 - to know, to perceive, to comprehend
- 己 - self, oneself; personal, private; 6th heavenly stem
- 知 - to know, to perceive, to comprehend
- 彼 - that, those, the other
- 百 - one hundred; numerous, many
- 戰 - war, fighting, battle
- 不 - no, not, un-; negative prefix
- 殆 - almost, probably; danger, peril; to endanger