Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
Xiēluòkè· Fú'ěrmósī
- Sherlock Holmes
- 歇 - to stop, to rest, to lodge
- 洛 - a river in the Shanxi province; a city
- 克 - to subdue, to restrain, to overcome; used in transliterations
- 福 - happiness, good fortune, blessings
- 尔 - you; that, those; final particle
- 摩 - to scour, to rub, to grind; friction
- 斯 - this, thus, such; emphatic particle; used in transliterations
Traditional characters:
- 歇 - to stop, to rest, to lodge
- 洛 - a river in the Shanxi province; a city
- 克 - to subdue, to restrain, to overcome; used in transliterations
- 福 - happiness, good fortune, blessings
- 爾 - you; that, those; final particle
- 摩 - to scour, to rub, to grind; friction
- 斯 - this, thus, such; emphatic particle; used in transliterations