Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- phytochemical
- 植 - tree, plant; to grow
- 物 - thing, substance, matter; creature
- 化 - to change, to convert, to reform; -ize
- 学 - learning, knowledge, science; to study, to go to school; -ology
- 成 - to accomplish; to become; to complete, to finish; to succeed
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
Traditional characters:
- 植 - tree, plant; to grow
- 物 - thing, substance, matter; creature
- 化 - to change, to convert, to reform; -ize
- 學 - learning, knowledge, science; to study, to go to school; -ology
- 成 - to accomplish; to become; to complete, to finish; to succeed
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity