Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- Jiang Ziya is fishing, if you want it, take the hook (idiom, refers to early sage 姜子牙 fishing with no bait and the hook above the water); to put one's head in the noose
- 姜 - ginger; surname
- 太 - very, too much; big; extreme
- 公 - fair, equitable; public; duke
- 钓 - fishhook; to fish, to lure
- 鱼 - fish
- 愿 - desire, wish; honest, virtuous; ready, willing
- 者 - that which; they who; those who
- 上 - above, on top, superior; to go up; to attend; previous
- 钩 - hook, barb, sickle; to hook, to link
Traditional characters:
- 姜 - ginger; surname
- 太 - very, too much; big; extreme
- 公 - fair, equitable; public; duke
- 釣 - fishhook; to fish, to lure
- 魚 - fish
- 願 - desire, wish; honest, virtuous; ready, willing
- 者 - that which; they who; those who
- 上 - above, on top, superior; to go up; to attend; previous
- 鉤 - hook, barb, sickle; to hook, to link