Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- schizoaffective disorder
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 裂 - to split, to rend; crevice, crack
- 情 - emotion, feeling, sentiment
- 感 - to affect, to move, to touch; to perceive, to sense
- 性 - sex, nature, character; suffix converting a verb to an adjective
- 障 - to separate; shield, barricade
- 碍 - to block, to deter, to hinder, to obstruct
Traditional characters:
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 裂 - to split, to rend; crevice, crack
- 情 - emotion, feeling, sentiment
- 感 - to affect, to move, to touch; to perceive, to sense
- 性 - sex, nature, character; suffix converting a verb to an adjective
- 障 - to separate; shield, barricade
- 礙 - to block, to deter, to hinder, to obstruct