Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- distributed denial of service (DDOS) form of Internet attack
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 布 - cotton, linen, textiles; to announce, to declare; to spread
- 式 - formula, pattern, rule, style, system
- 拒 - to defend, to ward off; to refuse
- 绝 - to cut, to sever; to break off, to terminate
- 服 - clothes; to dress, to wear; to take medicine
- 务 - affairs, business; should; must
Traditional characters:
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 佈 - to spread, to publicize, to announce
- 式 - formula, pattern, rule, style, system
- 拒 - to defend, to ward off; to refuse
- 絕 - to cut, to sever; to break off, to terminate
- 服 - clothes; to dress, to wear; to take medicine
- 務 - affairs, business; should; must