Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
Guānshuìyǔ Màoyì Zǒngxiédìng
- GATT, the 1995 General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
- 关 - frontier pass; to close, to shut; relation
- 税 - taxes
- 与 - and; with; to; for; to give, to grant
- 贸 - commerce, trade
- 易 - to change; to exchange, to trade; simple, easy
- 总 - to gather, to collect; overall, altogether
- 协 - to assist; to cooperate, to join; to harmonize
- 定 - to decide, to fix, to settle; to order; definite, fixed, sure
Traditional characters:
- 關 - frontier pass; to close, to shut; relation
- 稅 - taxes
- 與 - and; with; to; for; to give, to grant
- 貿 - commerce, trade
- 易 - to change; to exchange, to trade; simple, easy
- 總 - to gather, to collect; overall, altogether
- 協 - to assist; to cooperate, to join; to harmonize
- 定 - to decide, to fix, to settle; to order; definite, fixed, sure