Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- information and communication technology, ICT
- 信 - to trust, to believe; letter, sign
- 息 - to end, to cease, to put a stop to; pause, breath, rest; news
- 与 - and; with; to; for; to give, to grant
- 通 - to pass through, to open, to connect; to communicate; common
- 讯 - news, information; to question, to interrogate
- 技 - ability, talent; skill, technique
- 术 - skill, art; method, technique; trick
Traditional characters:
- 信 - to trust, to believe; letter, sign
- 息 - to end, to cease, to put a stop to; pause, breath, rest; news
- 與 - and; with; to; for; to give, to grant
- 通 - to pass through, to open, to connect; to communicate; common
- 訊 - news, information; to question, to interrogate
- 技 - ability, talent; skill, technique
- 術 - skill, art; method, technique; trick