Traditional form:
Pinyin (reading):
- (idiom) you reap what you sow
- 一 - one; a, an; alone
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 耕 - to plow, to cultivate
- 耘 - to weed
- 一 - one; a, an; alone
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 收 - to collect, to gather, to harvest
- 获 - to get, to obtain, to receive, to sieze
Traditional characters:
- 一 - one; a, an; alone
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 耕 - to plow, to cultivate
- 耘 - to weed
- 一 - one; a, an; alone
- 分 - to divide, to allocate; fraction; small unit of time or other quantity
- 收 - to collect, to gather, to harvest
- 穫 - to get, to obtain, to receive, to sieze